Social Media Marketing

It's no secret that the valuations in Social Media Networks have sky-rocketed, especially when there are over 750 million users on Facebook, over 200 million users on Twitter, and over 120 million users on LinkedIn. Your company can go viral!

We all know that one of the best types of marketing is word-of-mouth. Consumers are more inclined to me motivated to purchase from word-of-mouth versus ads seen on TV or in the magazines. Social media networks give us the platform to reach your customers to promote word-of-mouth to create a buzz surrounding your products and surfaces.

Picture this scenario. Let's say you run an Italian restaurant. Amy ate at your restaurant last night and because she is an active Facebook user, makes a comment that about how good your risotto pasta is. Amy has roughly 500 friends on Facebook and 20 of her friends that see the comment become curious and check out reviews on Yelp. Seeing how the reviews are great, Amy's friends visit your website to get your contact information and make reservations. This is the power of social media.

Every member of the Qualia Media team has a broad depth of experience leveraging social media networks:

  • Facebook
  • MySpace
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Live Journal
  • And more!